Guilhermesilveira's Blog

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Posts Tagged ‘.net

Quit pretending, use the web for real: the c# client

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The first post of the ‘Quit pretending, use the web for real‘ was on how one could use Restfulie for Rails to leverage its application, the second one described the same approach for a Java client and server implementation using VRaptor.

This third post is a short description/annnouncement of the Restfulie C# client which has just been released. Luiz Costa, a Caelum instructor and Sergio Junior, have developed the client which resembles Restfulie’s Rails client API due to C# dynamic nature.

You can access the representation’s elements:

dynamic order = entry.At("").Get();
Console.WriteLine(order.product) ;

And navigate through links


As usual, it’s source code can be found at github and is released with the same license. The C# client dll can be download at google code. Luiz has posted a portuguese announcement in his blog

Written by guilhermesilveira

January 14, 2010 at 9:00 am

Posted in c#, restful

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